“This article was originally published by Hannah Cordes, a former member of ThreeFold Foundation.”

What started out as an idea for a better Internet about a decade ago amongst a few early Internet and Cloud pioneers has now become a reality. Today, ThreeFold is a global movement building a reliable, open and inclusive Internet.

We’ve reached a pivotal moment in the evolution of the Internet. And ThreeFold is ready to unlock a new Internet era – one filled with abundance and opportunity for all, one which is better for our planet. Our open-source technology, future-facing ecosystem and collaborative community have the potential to drive this new era forward.

For us, the Internet was always meant to be peer-to-peer, where anyone could own hardware, and connect and exchange directly with full security and in full privacy – without any entity in the middle. This is how the Internet began. But as demand grew, big tech began to monopolize its infrastructure and all the major platforms.

Since its inception, ThreeFold has been committed not only to delivering on the original promise of the Internet, but also to realizing our ultimate vision of a better future for all. For the past six years, we’ve been building up an incredible full-stack, open-source, decentralized Internet, all from the ground-up. We’ve come a long way and the result is, well, exceptional. There is nothing else out there like ThreeFold.

From creating our own blockchain-driven and highly secure operating system (which allows computers to become decentralized servers), to building an ultra-scalable Quantum Safe Storage System, a complete far edge cloud computing platform and a planetary peer-to-peer network all accessible via a unique Smart Contract for IT on the ThreeFold Blockchain, we’re proud to have the most complete edge infrastructure to power the next-generation Internet era.

And we’re taking concrete steps to further expand this infrastructure that offers a truly decentralized layer 0 for any blockchain or Internet application. Moreover, with the help of our community of Grid testers, we’re continuously advancing the underlying technology and working towards making it usable for as many people and use cases as possible.

Our vision and technology have matured into the Internet of Internets – a network of thousands of community-built and -owned Internets through which we strive to interconnect all of humanity. A new world is coming, and our technology has the potential to revolutionize digitization on a global scale, across sectors. And yet we remain a hidden gem.

So, what solutions does the ThreeFold Grid offer today already? And why exactly should you start to build on top of ThreeFold? Let’s explore some of the many possibilities available today.

The ThreeFold Grid – A cutting-edge, highly scalable peer-to-peer infrastructure

“ThreeFold is growing the ThreeFold Grid by enabling a community of thousands of farmers from around the world to participate and own a piece of the Internet.” – Adnan Fatayerji

The Grid is a peer-to-peer cloud computing network that’s highly compatible with current industry standards. In late December 2021, ThreeFold launched the third generation of the ThreeFold Grid on mainnet with a fully functional tech stack – a huge and crucial step towards a fully production-ready and decentralized infrastructure. The third generation not only brought a massive leap forward in the decentralization of the Grid but also made for a much simpler user experience for farmers and Grid users. People from all over the world are connecting thousands of 3Nodes to create the world’s largest decentralized Internet infrastructure, and new capacity is being connected every day. Find the latest Grid stats and utilization numbers in this regularly updated thread.

Over the past months, the team evolved the Grid through version 3.6.1 and upgraded it to mainnet in July after receiving 100% community approval. This release introduces more stability to the TF Grid and includes various upgrades and new features like the ThreeFold Connect App, the new unified dashboard for a simpler user experience, and more. Big progress was also made in terms of the DAO functionality that went live on TF Chain, with the first TF Chain (L1) DAO proposal was voted on and approved in August.

And with each new Grid release, we’re getting one step closer to solidifying the foundation of the Internet of Internets. Currently, the team is working towards completing Grid version 3.7.0 which includes some significant updates, improvements and new features like FreeFlow Twin, a new Node Pilot, new deployment features and a lot more. The team continues to do incredible work to further develop and advance the Grid as well as to support utilization and adoption by offering tools and applications that are user-friendly, secure, efficient and scalable. A massive thank you to our incredible tech team and the community of Grid testers!

Next up: our cloud solution

So, the ThreeFold Grid has been evolved, advanced and expanded quite a bit, hasn’t it? About time to take a closer look at our cloud solution and everything enabled by the technology and tooling built on top. As a heads up, part two of our series on ThreeFold’s game-changing Internet infrastructure is for the more tech-savvy crowd. If you don’t consider yourself “a tech person” you might prefer to jump to part three on weblets and end-user experiences right away.

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