ThreeFold stories and project info - Decentralization

What Is Peer-to-Peer and Why Is It so Important? Picture

What Is Peer-to-Peer and Why Is It so Important?

P2P systems are network, not linear or pyramidal hierarchies (though they may share some elements)..

  • Sacha Obeegadoo

Sacha Obeegadoo

Zero People IT is the Future Picture

Zero People IT is the Future

Classic IT infrastructure setup is complex and is not cost-effective. Applications need a specific environment to operate in, built by integrating different technology components from different vendors. Elements of such a setup are operating systems, storage systems, networks, security systems, authentication systems, and more.

ThreeFold's Long Story Short Picture

ThreeFold's Long Story Short

The truth is that ThreeFold is a big project. Here we will try to make things a little simpler for you.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

Why Anyone Should Consider Becoming A (ThreeFold) Farmer Picture

Why Anyone Should Consider Becoming A (ThreeFold) Farmer

The ThreeFold Foundation is changing the way how "we" as a whole approach the internet and its underlying technology..

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

Why We Do What We Do Picture

Why We Do What We Do

If not now, when? If not us, who?

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

An escape from the Great Hack Picture

An escape from the Great Hack

I can’t help but think how unfair it is that in today’s digital society, people are being treated like products, because there is no such thing as a ‘free’ platform without YOU being the product.

  • Sabrina Sadik

Sabrina Sadik