ThreeFold stories and project info - Farming

How to stop the Internet from Gobbling the World’s Energy Picture

How to stop the Internet from Gobbling the World’s Energy

Oftentimes, the Internet’s significant energy consumption and climate impacts go unnoticed. At ThreeFold, we're leading the way by working on energy-efficient and sustainable solutions for the Internet.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

Farming – A Greener Alternative to Crypto Mining Picture

Farming – A Greener Alternative to Crypto Mining

ThreeFold Farming is about so much more than crypto mining. It's a decentralized, energy-efficient and meaningful alternative.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

How ThreeFold Can Truly Decentralize Blockchain Picture

How ThreeFold Can Truly Decentralize Blockchain

Is a blockchain truly decentralized if it is being hosted on a centralized solution? We say, no.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

This ThreeFold Farm Keeps Veggies Warm Picture

This ThreeFold Farm Keeps Veggies Warm

Somewhere in the Netherlands, a ThreeFold Farm is supporting the growth of vegetable crops such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

We Need a More Inclusive Internet Picture

We Need a More Inclusive Internet

Today we are working with partners in the clean energy and network / connectivity to build the solutions that are needed to provide fair and uninterrupted internet access with all corners of the world.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

ThreeFold's Long Story Short Picture

ThreeFold's Long Story Short

The truth is that ThreeFold is a big project. Here we will try to make things a little simpler for you.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart