ThreeFold stories and project info - Grid

Zero People IT is the Future Picture

Zero People IT is the Future

Classic IT infrastructure setup is complex and is not cost-effective. Applications need a specific environment to operate in, built by integrating different technology components from different vendors. Elements of such a setup are operating systems, storage systems, networks, security systems, authentication systems, and more.

ThreeFold's Long Story Short Picture

ThreeFold's Long Story Short

The truth is that ThreeFold is a big project. Here we will try to make things a little simpler for you.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

An intro to ThreeFold Farming Picture

An intro to ThreeFold Farming

We probably don’t need to tell you that the invention of Blockchain technology changed the world dramatically..

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

Internet is growing wild Picture

Internet is growing wild

The internet is growing at an extremely fast pace, but is that a good thing?

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

Decentralizing the Internet Picture

Decentralizing the Internet

In this article, we discuss the general concept of a ‘decentralized grid’ and how anyone can plug-in capacity to the ThreeFold Grid.

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart

Use cases for the ThreeFold Peer-to-Peer Cloud Picture

Use cases for the ThreeFold Peer-to-Peer Cloud

Containers, IAAS, Archives, Security, and more..

  • Sam Taggart

Sam Taggart