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Is a new decentralized internet, or Web 3.0 possible? Read ThreeFold's hot off the press CoinTelegraph coverage!
The Smart Contract for IT allows you, your company or your community to execute the storage and running of your files and applications securely with consensus and automatic billing.
ThreeFold is building the engine for an Internet where people can finally be data autonomy.
To create a new Internet from scratch, ThreeFold had to start at the operating system level.
Learn more about what the peer-to-peer TF Cloud can already achieve!
There's nothing out there like the Quantum Safe Filesystem – see what it can do for you!
We believe IT can be sustainable. Actually, it should be! That's why energy efficiency has always been a key focus of ours..
Congratulations to ThreeFold Tech, which was recognized as one of 10 finalists by Deloitte Belgium in its Rising Star competition! More within.
Classic IT infrastructure setup is complex and is not cost-effective. Applications need a specific environment to operate in, built by integrating different technology components from different vendors. Elements of such a setup are operating systems, storage systems, networks, security systems, authentication systems, and more.